
Our subject leader for Music is Miss Weetch.

We teach music at our school in a way that inspires our children to have a love of music and the desire to become musicians. This is achieved through regular singing practice of familiar, traditional and modern songs, alongside more formal teaching within music lessons.

Across school, music is taught through Charanga which is a high quality, structured music program. In the Early Years and Key Stage 1, this program provides our children with the opportunity to listen and respond to different styles of music; learn to sing or sing along with nursery rhymes and action songs; understand the basics of pulse, rhythm and pitch; improvise and play classroom percussion instruments, and share and perform music. The program for Key Stage 2, enables our children to listen to and appraise well-known songs, Understand pulse, rhythm and pitch; explore duration, dynamics, tempo, timbre, texture, structure and musical notations; sing songs and melodies with greater musical understanding; learn to play classroom tuned instruments; improvise and make up own rhythmic patterns that lead to melodies; record their own compositions; and practise, rehearse and perform in front of an audience.

To supplement our curriculum, we also offer a range of peripatetic music lessons and have our own school choir. Please see the key documents below to gain a greater insight into how music is taught and developed at our school.